Monday, June 8, 2009

7 More Weeks!

Holy cow, in less than two months we'll be back on good ol' American soil! Hopefully our time here will be spent extra well as we prepare to say goodbye and look forward to settling back into American culture.

Last week my family came to visit! It was such a wonderful time and really refreshing for me. Its hard to believe that it had been a whole eight months since I'd last seen them.. it hardly felt like we had spent any time apart after they arrived. I am greatly looking forward to August when I can see them again.

This Wesnesday Kristen and I are going on a field trip with Lidget Green to Scarborough. Our classes have been learning about the seaside this past term so now the kids will be able to experience it in real life. I hear there are rumors of fish 'n chips for the teachers.. so obviously I can't wait. :)

Things are pretty normal around here, now that my family has left. Last night we went to the cinema to see 'Angels and Demons' with the youth group. Kristen and I still continue to 'help' our home in any way possible. We have been having trouble with the gas and also our bathtub had a leak which resulted in our living room ceiling dripping.. so today the gas man and the plumber came to work some magic.. but like I said, things are pretty normal.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hello all! I apologize for waiting so long to write an update. We still do not have internet access in our new home but despite that it is coming along very well indeed. Last week K and I stormed IKEA with Ruth to find some homey accents for the new pad. ‘We have to put them together ourselves, but it costs less!'

A couple weeks ago Mandy, Kristen’s old roomie, came to visit us. She and K travelled for awhile and then returned to Bradford. Mandy even came on the church retreat with us. We stayed at a Christian hotel called Thornleigh in the town of Grange-Over-Sands, just at the bottom of the Lake District. It was so quaint and such beautiful countryside up there by the sea. I was pleasantly surprised by how much fun I had with the congregation. The weekend was full of playing games and sharing talents and of course exploring the Bible. Aces.

Next week Kristen gets to go home to America! I am quite envious. I told her to remember everything and to bring me back a burger and Root Beer from Wendy’s. We’ll see how much loves me.

In just two weeks my family comes!!! I am stoked. I keep thinking about all the places I fancy taking them and all the things I want to show them. These next couple weeks will probably be the slowest of my life. I can’t wait!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Holiday

Well we returned to Bradford last Saturday evening. The trip was wonderful! It was so great to spend a whole week with the youth group in conversation and snow. I had plenty of opportunities to build up new relationships with some of the kids and to strengthen the old ones with the others. I did not want to come home! It is going to be really tough for me to say goodbye to this crowd when July rolls around. They have made my time here so meaningful and worth it.

Ok, onto our new house! Things are starting to look good over there, but we are not officially moved in yet because there is no hot water! So Kristen and I are currently camping out in flat 19 until Friday when we get kicked out of the estate. Well I am at least. Kristen will be leaving tomorrow at 5 in the morning to go gallavanting with her old roomie while I hold up the fort and do all the work in 28. :)

We spent Easter weekend at Taize in France in a freezing tent. But despite the cold, it was pretty incredible. It was so encouraging to see people of different cultures and different denominations (not just Mennonites!) with their different languages all come together to worship our one God. Talk about an Easter miracle. Truly.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Spring Skiing

A couple weeks ago Lyz and Emily came to visit us and to see how we are faring. It was a refreshing break to be in their company and share good conversations with lots of laughing! All the while, of course, helping Lyz stay on the wrong side of the road and in an endless search for Emily's so beloved cheesecake. Mmmm.

Tonight is the last night we shall sleep in flat 19. Kristen and I are almost all moved out of here, except for the furniture and our toothbrushes. We will not officially be moved into St. Wilfrid's Crescent until the 18th of April because tomorrow morning we are leaving for France with the youth group! Please pray for a safe journey and good bonding with the youth. Happy Easter!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Walker Ave. Soon to be St. Wilfrid's Crescent!

Guess what, we got a house! Kristen and I will be moving in 3 weeks! I am so relieved and cannot wait to get settled into our new home. And the great part about it is that it is right between the Bilton's and the Clarke's homes (and closer to Tescos). :)

Today I am paying a visit to Brackenhill Primary School to see if that is another place I would like to volunteer. One of the sponsors in youth group works there and has invited me to come and check it out. Kristen and I have also begun to help out at the after school kid's club on Monday afternoons. So far it has been great and right up my alley. I'm teaching some of the boys how to throw a frisbee and they are really picking up on it! They grow up so fast.

The pantomime went very well last weekend. They all did such an incredible job and were all hysterical. And the best part is that now I feel closer to them and have formed better bonds after doing their make-up for a week. :) Then on Sunday evening the cast and crew went bowling to celebrate, which was excellent! Phil now owes me 4 pounds, haha.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

And Just When We Thought It Was Over...

This week the circuit youth group is performing their pantomime, 'Rob Hood, and That Fellow with the Ring.' It is hysterical, by the way. Kristen and I are helping out with it so on Tuesday we went to rehearsal in the evening. About half way through, Kristen received a phone call and left the room. A few minutes later she comes jetting back into the room spewing "the police just called, we've been burgled!" Surprise, surprise. When we returned back to the flat Kristen's laptop was nowhere in sight along with some of my jewelry. Thankfully the police were here within five minutes after the alarms went off, but unfortunately not quite soon enough.

Kristen and I are doing alright. But of course, we are just so tired of having to clean up after strangers who have been rummaging through our things. Please pray that we will keep patience throughout all of this and trust in God.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Call Up the U-Haul

This week after Kristen and I were out at Tesco we came home to find flat 23's kitchen window cracked from a rock being thrown at it. We were not surprised. After a break-in this is just child's play... literally, some neighborhood kids were probably just messing around. But because of this and everything else we have dealt with in the neighborhood this year, the Pauls and Barry and Tim are seriously looking into removing us and placing us in a different neighborhood. Of course we would not be opposed to this, but its just crazy how much has happened, and now this. 

On Tuesday we cooked up some jambalaya and some 'Pig-Picking Cake' in the spirit of Mardi Gras. It was just so tasty. And we attended an Ash Wednesday service last night to begin lent. Kristen has decided to give up meat for lent. I said 'good luck.' 

Other than that, things are pretty normal. The daffodils and crocuses are popping up and we are greatly anticipating spring and warmer weather.